What is your favorite lecture and why? - TrustMe - Ed

What is your favorite lecture and why?

Posted In CategoryLectures
  • N
    Nils Oudhuis
    Posted 3 years ago

    What is your favorite lecture and who is your favorite speaker?

  • D
    Dominik Czerny
    Posted 1 year ago

    During watching the lectures I personaly learned which speakers helped me more. And that is because of how they provice the informations.

    For example Adam Dobson in 'Lumbar Spinal Stenosis' and Dr. Agricola with the recent lecture in FAI-Syndrome did a great job! That is what needed in other and future lectures. They did a great job about diagnosis (clinical sings, radiological findings, symptoms), differential diagnostic and carrying out the tests for diagnosis on a patient. Also they link to studies and discuss these studies.

    I hope that future lectures on these or other topic are of the same quality!


  • D
    Daily work
    Posted 2 months ago

    My favorite lecture was undoubtedly the one on the philosophy of artificial intelligence. The speaker, Dr. Evelyn Carter, had a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible to everyone in the room. Her passion for the subject was infectious, and I found myself completely engrossed in the exploration of consciousness, ethics, and the future of AI. It was more than just a lecture; it was a thought-provoking experience that has continued to shape my perspective on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-college-essay-writing-services-top-5-review-mary-walton-8mcje technology and humanity.

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