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Clinical Reasoning

Musculoskeletal Clinical Translation Framework

Translating knowledge into clinical practice

Learning Points

1. Translating knowledge into clinical practice

- Gain a contemporary overview of the musculoskeletal pain landscape
- Be aware of the key opportunities for physiotherapist
- Gain an overview of how the Musculoskeletal Clinical Translation Framework can assist translating this knowledge with individual patients

2.  What you might be missing with your patients

- Learn about the different component of the Framework and how they can be applied with your patients
- Gain a better understanding of why some of your patients don’t recover like you expect them to

3.  Applied case study

- Understand how the Framework is used in the clinical with an applied case study


You can learn more in the ebook Tim described here:


Learning objectives

> You should be able to address some challenges with musculoskeletal management

> You should be able to describe how the Musculoskeletal Clinical Translation Framework can assist in translating knowledge to patients

> You should be able to review the different components of the framework, and describe how they can be applied with your patients

> You should be able to understand why some of your patients don't recover like you expect them to


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